Friday, May 22, 2009


If only it's sharper , more focus, more light but it didn't matter in this aspect of photography.

In my recent trip to Bandung,Indonesia , i was strolling in and around the city and then ended up wondering in Jalan Cihampales. The urban lifestyle of Cihampales reminded me of our local Jalan Petaling or Kuala Lumpur Chinatown(although now it's not very chinese anymore). Shops on the sidewalk , busy traffics , people everywhere , discounts , more discount , shopping vouchers , drinks and so many other things.

'Alley' contributing to the latest collection in my blog is an example of quietness and silents , set apart by the busy man hovering street of Cihampales. There isn't any distinguish reason why i decided to capture this moment but very simply thoughts did appear onto me. The 'toilet' sign , but when i came back and load this on my lap top , i saw this one blury figure sitting relaxing , the 'nuff' light extended the depth , the toilet sign to begin with , it felt almost remarkable that this has become my favourite street photograph.

Alan Tan

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